Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Attachment disorder

I waiting for a document to attach to my e-mail...
it's taking forever, and I can't help but wonder what kind of lesson I can pull from this. Not sure there's actually a LESSON to be pulled from attaching a document - especially a document highlighting a restaurant that no longer exists - place is just a parking lot now.

Although it makes me think about my grandfather -
it was his bright idea to feature historic places around Cynthiana in the free monthly/bi-montly catalog of businesses offered in town. Of course, I'm the one writing it up - making sense out of my grandfather's illegible handwriting and wondering if he really has all his facts - and well, let's face it - memories in order.
The man is 87 - sharp as a tac most days - still driving my mom (and everyone else) crazy with his never say die attitude with the family business (don't even get me started on that).
(Five minutes later...still waiting for the attachment to take hold)...

Anyway - my less-than-200-word feature article features the Lemonette Restaurant (something I imagine to be like the diner in Pleasantville or Back to the Future) - kids in their poodle skirts coming in on a Friday night ordering burgers and a cherry coke - dancing to whatever song is playing on the juke box - greasers greasing their hair, hitting the pinball machine a little too hard (ignoring the warnings of the fountain attendant to keep their hands off the glass)...
(still attaching)
Makes me nostalgic for the days I never knew...or at least makes me want to watch Pleasantville (or at least an episode of Leave it to Beaver or something).

Kids these days...they don't know what they're missin'.
(I'm giving up on the attachment)

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