Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good Intentions?

I thought it'd be good to do a second February post, though I'm still not sure what may result of it - don't really have anything particular in mind to say.
I take that back...

I guess it really needs to start with the motivation for this post -
a friend of mine in Northern Ireland is talking about starting a blog, and several suggestions were given her - xanga, blogger...the usuals. (and for some reason I just said 'usuals' with a fake NY Jack Kelly in Newsies...) But it got me to thinking about how irregular I am in updating my blog.

Mom and I watched "Julie and Julia" a couple weeks ago - and it renewed in me a desire to be read, to write something that touches people, that gets people reading. The excitement of being read is contagious...and whatever I've tried doing as a writer seems sooooo inconsistent.
I don't blog least not consistently (which I guess is the same thing) - and when I do they're ramblings and spiritual whinings - which isn't a bad thing, I guess. And, what few comments I've gotten have really boosted my confidence - but I'm a lot like Julie (the movie Julie) in that I'm looking for comments from people I don't know...I don't want my mom being the only reader/commenter-giver on my blog...or reader of my stories to always tell me the same thing...'it's good.' I want strangers across the country to latch on to what I'm saying....I want REAL feedback, constructive criticism...something I can build on
I want my words to mean something...

All that gets me to the point that my words can't mean anything if I'm not writing. I just finished Donald Miller's book, and for the last few chapters he talked about how hard it is to make himself write. And I guess the same thing is true for me...and he says it's probably true for most writers. (pardon the cliche) It's like pulling teeth to write, sometimes...It's hard to get a character to do something...or in my case with blogging - it's hard to write about the abundance of NOTHING going on in my life right now.
But, I keep remembering that to be a writer, I HAVE to write something.

Taking into account the lack of writing I've done lately, especially of the fiction genre - my status as a writer is waning. I remember an interview with John Grisham a couple years ago - he talked about having to write a little EVERY day, or the book will never get written. It's like anything, you have to train yourself to write a little every day, or you'll never do it.

It's been in all the advice I've gotten from other writers, too - write, write, write - Tweet, Blog.... keep networking, keep making contacts...eventually you'll get out there.

I've never been a patient person -
Keeps coming up with the job situation...I apply for a job - I want to know NOW what's going on. This waiting for a month, then waiting for two weeks...then another two weeks is KILLING me!!
I guess the same thing affects me in my writing...I'm tired of putting forth an effort and seeing little-to-no result from it. (And here I go again, whining...)

I guess I just need to be more intentional about finding something to write about - start taking notes on things I see each day - or something...

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